Ansible Playbooks Examples


  • Ansible should be installed on the master node.
  • Should have root access to Master and other nodes
  • Not  mandatory but In my example, I am working as a root user
  • Master node and Managed Nodes ( Agent nodes) should be configured and in the network.
  • Master node's public and private ssh should generate (ssh-keygen)
  • Master node's public is to be shared with Agent nodes ( /root/.ssh/authorized_keys) file

Current Setup: 3 Ubuntu Servers ( 1 master and 2 agent nodes)\

   Master server is also a DB server.

   Master IP:

   Webserver1 IP:

   Webserver2 IP:

Host file Setup

Goto /etc/ansible/hosts file and add below entries



Ansible Configuration file

uncomment(remove #) host file path
inventory      = /etc/ansible/hosts

Example 1: Create a playbook to run an echo "Hello World" command on dbservers.
Playbook: hello.yaml

Create a hello.yaml ( you can give any primary name but the extension should be .yaml or .yml). 

 - name: play for running shell commands
   hosts: dbservers
         - name: Executing command module
           command: echo "Hello World"

             ansible-playbook hello.yaml

Example 2: 

Playbook: hello.yaml
In Example1 playbook was executed successfully but it did not print Hello World. You can use "register" to store the output of the previous command in a variable. Let's modify hello.yaml file

 - name: play for running shell commands
   hosts: dbservers
           - name: Executing echo command
             command: echo "Hello World"
             register: output
           - name: Print the output
                 msg: "{{ output.stdout }}"

Execute: ansible-playbook hello.yaml

Example 3

Playbook:- hello.yaml
Create a playbook to read a file (/tmp/status.txt) using the command module.

 - name: play for running shell commands
   hosts: dbservers
           - name: Executing echo command
             command: cat /tmp/status.txt
             register: output
           - name: Print the output
                 msg: "{{ output.stdout }}"

Execute:-  ansible-playbook hello.yaml

Example 4: Create Multiple plays

Playbook:- mul.yaml

Create a playbook mul.yaml, where you need to create below plays

play1: run on dbservers and create a file /tmp/local.txt

play2: run on webservers and create a file /tmp/webserver.txt


 - name: First play
   hosts: dbservers
         - name: creating /tmp/local.txt
           command: touch /tmp/local.txt
 - name: Sec play
   hosts: webservers
           - name: creating /tmp/webserver.txt
             command: touch /tmp/webserver.txt

Execute:- ansible-playbook mul.yaml 

Example 5: Multiple tasks in a play
Playbook:- multitask.yaml

Create a file called /tmp/myfile.txt and add content as "Hello World". To verify that file is created successfully, print the content of the file. Run it on dbservers.
Playbook:- multitask.yaml
 - name: play for dbservers multiple tasks
   hosts: dbservers
         # Task1
        - name: create a file
          command: touch /tmp/myfile.txt
        # Task2
        - name: Add content to the file
            content: "Hello World"
            dest: /tmp/myfile.txt
         # Task 3
        - name: Read the content
          command: cat /tmp/myfile.txt
          register: output
          # Task 4
        - name: Print the content
             var: output.stdout

Execute: ansible-playbook multitask.yaml

Example 6: Variable Example

Repeat Example 5 but use a variable for the content of the file.

 - name: play for dbservers multiple tasks
   hosts: dbservers
      data: "Hello World!"
         # Task1
        - name: create a file
          command: touch /tmp/myfile.txt
        # Task2
        - name: Add content to the file
              content: "{{ data }}"
              dest: /tmp/myfile.txt
         # Task 3
        - name: Read the content
          command: cat /tmp/myfile.txt
          register: output
          # Task 4
        - name: Print the content
             var: output.stdout

Execute: ansible-playbook multitask.yaml

Example 7: Variable with vars_prompt

Repeat Example6 by entering variable value at run time

 - name: play for dbservers multiple tasks
   hosts: dbservers
      name: data
      prompt: Enter the value
         # Task1
        - name: create a file
          command: touch /tmp/myfile.txt
        # Task2
        - name: Add content to the file
              content: "{{ data }}"
              dest: /tmp/myfile.txt
         # Task 3
        - name: Read the content
          command: cat /tmp/myfile.txt
          register: output
          # Task 4
        - name: Print the content
             var: output.stdout

Execute: ansible-playbook multitask.yaml

Dry Run

When ansible-playbook is executed with --check it will not make any changes on remote systems. Instead, any module instrumented to support ‘check mode’ (which contains most of the primary core modules, but it is not required that all modules do this) will report what changes they would have made rather than making them. Other modules that do not support check mode will also take no action, but just will not report what changes they might have made.

Example 8: Dry Run (dryrun.yaml)

Below script is copying /tmp/testing.txt file to webservers /tmp/test.txt. but if you use --check option with ansible-playbook execution it will only do the dry run not actually running the command to copy to webservers.

Playbook:- dryrun.ym

 - name: play for dry run
   hosts: webservers
        - name: Copying testing.txt file to webservers
          copy: src=/tmp/testing.txt dest=/tmp/test.txt

Execute :- ansible-playbook dryrun.yml --check

Example 9:- Dry run with check_mode option
Playbook:- multask.yaml
 - name: play for dbservers multiple tasks
   hosts: dbservers
      name: data
      prompt: Enter the value
         # Task1
        - name: create a file
          command: touch /tmp/myfile.txt
          check_mode: no
        # Task2
        - name: Add content to the file
              content: "{{ data }}"
              dest: /tmp/myfile.txt
          check_mode: yes
         # Task 3
        - name: Read the content
          command: cat /tmp/myfile.txt
          register: output
          # Task 4
        - name: Print the content
             var: output.stdout

Execution:-  ansible-playbook multask.yaml

Example 10: logging with logpath

Playbook:- dryrun.yaml

uncomment log_path in ansible.cfg file to store the log output in /var/log/ansible.log

 - name: play for dry run
   hosts: webservers
        - name: Copying testing.txt file to webservers
          copy: src=/tmp/testing.txt dest=/tmp/test.txt

Execute:- ansible-playbook dryrun.yaml

After execution check /var/log/ansible.log file it should have the log of this file execution.

Example 11:- no_log attribute

if no_log =True then no log information is recorded in the log file for that particular module.

Example 12: Error handling ( ignore_errors: True)

Playbook: error.yaml

In the below code, Task3 will be executed because Task2 is having the exception handling.

 - hosts: webservers
        - name: Task1
          command: date
        - name: Task2
          command: date1
          ignore_errors: True
        - name: Task3
          command: ls

Execution:- ansible-playbook error.yaml

Example 13: Magic variables

Playbook: facts.yaml

Run the below command to find the facts of a host, it also returns the in-built ansible variables. In below command stores the output of these inbuilt variables in facts.log file

ansible dbservers -m ansible.builtin.setup > facts.log

 - name: play for finding the facts using ansible magic variables
   hosts: webservers
        - name: Print some facts
               msg: "{{ ansible_facts['os_family'], ansible_facts['nodename'], ansible_all_ipv4_addresses }}"
