Docker Custom Images

Docker - commit (Custom Images)


docker commit


Create a new image from a container’s changes


docker commit <<container id>> <<new image name>>

Example ( To create an image from nginx container)

docker container run -it --name nginxc -d nginx

docker commit nginxc webserverimg

Verify the Image is in the List

docker images


Note: service apache2 start  to start the apache service in the container

1. Create a container with an ubuntu image

2. update the repository (apt update -y) in the container

3. install apache2 in a container ( apt install apache2 -y)

4. Create a directory config under /config in the container

5. Add web.config file under /config folder

6. copy an html file from your host machine to container /var/www/html

7. Verify your container is able to browse your html file (curl localhost) ( To install the curl  apt install curl)

8. Create a production image (prod/webapp)

9. remove all the containers ( docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)

10 create a new container with prod/webapp with 80 container port forwarding and verify you are able to access the website and in the container /config directory exist with web.config file
