Git Installation

Git Installation


It is a version control system for tracking the changes in the source code on the local OS.

Installation On Windows

Step 1: Goto git-scm website and Click on Downloads for Windows button and then click on 64-bit Git for Windows Setup.

It will start downloading Git on your local system

Step 2: Once it is downloaded then open it and install it with the default configuration.

Step 3: It will install Git bash software that you can verify by clicking anywhere you will find the git bash option.

Step 4: You can Verify that git is installed on your system properly or not by running git --version command on your command prompt.

Installation on Ubuntu

Step 1: Goto git-scm website to find out the steps

Step 2: Connect to the ubuntu system and uninstall the existing git

            apt purge git -y

Step 3: Install git latest version

          add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa

          apt update

         apt install git -y

Step 4: To verify git is installed

          git --version 
